Saturday, July 16, 2011

Burgers, Beer, and Burps

"I'll Take a Cold One With Those Fries!"

Florida has notched up the fast food game with its recent approval of the sale of beer at Burger King!

Lower than expected national sales has prompted the fast food giant to think so outside of the box that it has turned to beer to up the ante on its competitors.

There are a few BKs selling beer already, mostly in a few other countries. Select Starbucks sell beer here, but don't look for this new BK menu item to be offered nationally for a while.

 Burger King is looking for at a new market; 30 to 50 year-olds are the targeted demographics.  Just wait until some 15 year old, looking like 15 going on 30, scores some suds will be a key issue.

You know the world has turned upside down when you get carded at Burger King.

"Have It Your Way" will take on a totally new meaning soon.

Michigan will have to wait for a minute, but I predict this will spread like wildfire.

Would you suds up at the fast food window?  Let us know.

1 comment:

  1. This is stupid! An accident waiting to happen!
