Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Good Friday mosque protest may spur unrest, prosecutors fear | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Good Friday mosque protest may spur unrest, prosecutors fear | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Local officials are attempting to dissuade and/or prevent a protest of "Sharia" law allegedly practiced in Dearborn, MI.

The same guy who threatened to burn a Quran a few months back is coming to a mosque in Dearborn, and authorities fear he may try to burn one on Friday...Good Friday...which could spark a riot.

Oralandar Brand-Williams / The Detroit News

Dearborn — Wayne County prosecutors want a judge to make it more difficult — if not illegal — for a Quran-burning pastor to protest at a local mosque on Good Friday.

Prosecutors on April 15 filed a motion arguing that Florida pastor Terry Jones' planned demonstration at the Islamic Center of America on the Dearborn/Detroit border poses a "likelihood of a riot ensuing, complete with discharge of firearms."

Jones is supposed to appear Thursday in District Court in Dearborn on prosecutors' request to post a "peace bond" to pay for police protection. No amount is specified, but Jones claimed Dearborn police have asked for $100,000 to cover overtime costs.

He called the move to silence him "unconstitutional" and has no intention of paying — or backing down.

"Nothing has changed. Nothing will change," said Jones of Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla. "We will definitely be there."

Is this free speech or public endangerment? Should one trump the other?

Let's hear your voice!


  1. "Is there something wrong with this picture? The sons of Ishmael, whose aim is the total destruction of the sons of Isaac - in Detroit, in Dearborn - locking arm in arm with the Imam there, to decry the protestations of one lone Christiam Pastor, who should be defended for his stance against a religion whose "platform ambition" is the total destruction of a whole ethnic group confuses me. Do those Rabbis' and Pastors not realize that when the Ottoman Empire return they will have to convert or die?? Behold what is done to Christians in the lands of the sons of Ismael." Watchman1

  2. watchman, anonymous or whoever you are, are you kidding?
