I was called by a city of Warren employee recently and was told to expect the city (Mayor Jim Fouts, Richard Sabaugh, Amanda Mika, and Ethan Vincent) to attack my credibility and try to paint me as a greedy, disgruntled employee.
That such an undertaking would be launched does not surprise me. I guess that is how politics work.
To be clear, I did not go to work for Warren to be political, nor to primarily focus on disabilities. However, I did go there to work on advancing diversity, period. So I will share my resignation letter (a letter two news organizations says the city asserts they cannot find) with you later this week and will provide context so that you can decide whether I was right to resign and resigned for the right reasons.
That such an undertaking would be launched does not surprise me. I guess that is how politics work.
To be clear, I did not go to work for Warren to be political, nor to primarily focus on disabilities. However, I did go there to work on advancing diversity, period. So I will share my resignation letter (a letter two news organizations says the city asserts they cannot find) with you later this week and will provide context so that you can decide whether I was right to resign and resigned for the right reasons.