Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Abortion clinic worker says she cut at least 10 babies | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

This story should make you mad as hell.  I know I am:

This is the face of evil, greed, and callousness beyond belief.

Abortion clinic worker says she cut at least 10 babies | Detroit Free Press | freep.com:

The Truth about the $220 Million In Revenue Sharing Owed To Detroit; Dennis Archer Silent

Everyone should read this story, which breaks down how the state came to owe Detroit $220 million and cost the city hundreds of millions more by not allowing Detroit to revert back to its 3 percent resident and 1.5 out-resident city tax.

Also note that Dennis Archer will not go on record about the deal he made with John Engler...even the Detroit City council was afraid to subpoena him.

Please click on the link below:

Inside the handshake deal with the state that haunts Detroit (analysis by Bridge Magazine) | Detroit Free Press | freep.com:

Friday, March 1, 2013

Using Racial Slur Gets NASCAR Driver Jeremy Clements Suspended

What did NASCAR driver Jeremy Clements say that got him suspended indefinitely from NASCAR competitions?   No one is saying and apparently it was extremely offensive to merit such a strong suspension.

Check out the link below from the Bleacher Report:

NASCAR Nationwide Series Driver Jeremy Clements Suspended for Using Racial Slur | Bleacher Report:

It seems to be everywhere, doesn't it?