Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Critics assail Cuomo's gun deal as secret, rushed

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation January 15, 2013 that many are now saying is now some of the toughest gun legislation in the United States.  Others, such as the National Rifle Association, are calling it one of the most brazen examples of trampling on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners.

The legislation limits the number of bullets allowed in gun magazines while at the same time strengthening New York's existing ban on assault weapons.  It also changes the way mental health care services will be provided and extends those service for an additional six months.

Many will be tempted to compare the swiftness of this legislation to the example set by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder when he rammed through the so-called "Right-to- Work" laws in Michigan. Is Cuomo's masterful manipulation equal to  Snyder's swiftness?  Is this a new governance trend about to begin?

A major difference is that Cuomo's legislation passed by a majority of New York's Senate, which is led by Republicans.  That can't make the NRA very happy.  The state's House of Representatives has a Democratic majority, which passed it by a wide margin as well.

Look for other states to follow New York's lead.  The NRA will be formidable, but quite a few poles show the American public is re-thinking its stand on gun control.

The next wave of legislative responses to the massacre at Sandy Hook will come when President Obama releases his plan to combat what many see as a defining issue for his presidency: mass killings of citizens with assault-type weapons.

What do you think of all of this?  Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Court voids rape conviction because the woman who was raped was not married at the time!

Court voids rape conviction because woman not married - U.S. News:

Is this not the most ridiculous ruling? A man sneaks into a woman's bed, has sex with her without her consent while knowing she is drunk, and the courts rule she was not raped because she wasn't married!

Please follow the link, read the whole story, and get back to us!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue Pardons "Wilmington 10" Forty Years After Trial

Nine Black Men, One White Woman Pardon By North Carolina Governor


The infamous "Wilmington 10",  a group of 1972-era civil rights activists who were wrongly convicted of fire-bombing a grocery store, were recently pardoned by North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue.  Perdue stated "Justice demands that this stain finally be removed."

Perdue was referring to new evidence that the group had been the target of a prosecutor who was clearly racially-biased.  The prosecutor knew his star witness was lying on the stand, and even went so far as to identify jurors as Klu Klux Klan members whom he could place on the jury.

That prosecutor, Jay Stroud, searched out black jurors who fit the definition of "Uncle Toms"  so that he could place them on the jury to further manipulate the outcome of the trial.

Recently discovered notes written by Stroud revealed that one juror was excused because she "associated with Negroes."  It is important to note that at the time of the trial, North Carolina had the largest contingent of Klu Klux Klan membership in the United States.

The next question to be answered is whether North Carolina should provide reparations to the members of the "Wilmington 10."

What do you think?