Monday, December 31, 2012

Sperm Donor Made to Pay Child Support


A sperm donor living in Kansas has been ordered to pay child support for a child he provided sperm for to a lesbian couple.

Now, that may seem a little far fetched, but the lesbian couple broke up and tried to get on state aid.  The state demanded to know who the sperm donor was so that he could be made to pay child support due to the fact that the lesbian couple could not be made to pay child support because Kansas does not recognize same sex marriage marriages.  The state threatened to end the child's health care services if the couple did not give up the sperm donor's name.

The guy was being nice.  The couple thought highly of him, but his undoing seems to be centered around the fact that the insemination of the sperm into the host body was not done by a licensed physician, so the state contended that the contract the donor and the lesbian couple signed relieving him of responsibility of child support was null and void.

Check out this link:

Do you think he should have to pay child support?  Leave a comment....

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Right-To-Work Gives Brewer New Job Security


There’s a great deal to complain about regarding the recently enacted right-to-work laws, particularly the swiftness with which they were passed.  There are a few other legitimate issues with the narrowness of the laws.  But you've got to ask yourself, why didn't the unions and the Democratic Party see this coming?

After all, the man repeatedly asked them to not force his hand.  Governor Rick Snyder did not beg the unions and the Democrats to refrain from pushing ballot initiatives which would enshrine the collective bargaining process into Michigan’s constitution, but he did a good job of making it clear that if they didn't, he wouldn't.

Maybe the unions and the Democratic Party did not believe Snyder when he first said that right-to-work legislation was not on his agenda and that he thought RTW and messing around with the constitution were both bad divisive ideas.  Maybe they thought that if they went ahead and tried it anyway, Snyder would “nerd-up”, take the slap in the face, and turn the other cheek.  Well, guess who got pimp-slapped…

The one-day lightening rod speed with which those three bills zoomed through the house was ugly but impressive, if nothing else.  No debate, not committee deliberation, no negotiations with the House minority party…  all of which seemingly signaled a “take that!” response to Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Mark Brewer’s most recent failure to get it done. 

Seems like every time Brewer fails on a statewide level, he gets more job security.   He failed with the affirmative action initiative, he failed with the Benero gubernatorial campaign, he failed with the 2010 Michigan House and Senate elections, he failed with the “three Supremes”, and now he will again keep his job based on yet another promise, two full years from now, to reverse the RTW legislation and the GOP grip on the state legislature.  Talk about nine lives.  This man secures relevancy with each instance of abject failure.

As a former union official and independent Democrat, I vehemently oppose the RTW legislation as written. As a pragmatist, I understand why Snyder had no choice but to reverse course.  The word on the street is that he would have lost a great deal of support during his next gubernatorial or first senatorial campaign. It turns out he is not only nerdy, but smart about it. 

After the failure of all the initiatives that would have changed Michigan’s constitution, anyone could have, and someone should have, told Brewer that judgment day was surely coming.  Whoever is giving Brewer advice should give him a refund.  Someone should also tell Brewer that if all you do is talk to yourself, you will certainly always agree with yourself and excuse yourself, outcomes be damned. The party deserves better leadership.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Wife Gives Baby Away To Adoption Agency While Husband Is On Active Duty


In one the most heartbreaking stories of 2012, Terry Archane, a military father, finds out his new-born baby, Teleah, is given away by his then-wife to an adoption agency that transfers his child to a Utah couple who, despite a judge's order, refuses to give the child, now 2 years old,  to Archane.

The adoption agency knew the woman was legally married and that the consent of the father was required before an adoption could proceed.  They processed the adoption while knowing that the attorney for the agency had contacted the father, who did not give his consent, which is required by Utah law.

The adoptive couple also knew all this, and were told that if the birth father demanded his child, they would have to turn the child over to the birth father. They too proceeded anyway.

The father found out where his daughter was, asked for his child, was denied,  and then went to court to get his baby back.  The judge ruled in his favor, but the adoptive couple claim it is "God's will" that they keep the baby.

Check out this link to the full story:

Father fights for daughter given away by his Wife

What do you think?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

DPS Employee Bonus Sends Wrong Message


How in the world do you get a bonus when your employer is in deficit status?

Well, the emergency financial manager at the Detroit Public Schools has found a way to bring the corporate play book to a school district that won't buy books for its kids.

Depending on where you sit (a recipient of the bonus or a parent who cannot get your child's teacher to make accommodations for a child's proven disability), Roy Roberts should either be fired or retained as EFM for using badly-needed district funds for what is being called a public relations giveaway.

DPS has a "projected" 2010-2011 "surplus" of about $10 million or so...why that money is not being used to pay down its $75 million deficit escapes a lot of people.  Any major dent in a deficit that large has positive financial repercussions for the entity in debt.  Or better yet, why not put that money into classroom equipment, building supplies, and a fundamental learning device called...books.

For some people it is a bribe or trade off for labor harmony. For others, it is an example of how DPS got in the hole in the first place.  Either way, it comes from a corporate philosophy that says that when things are at it worst, pass out bonuses, not based on merit, but based on a strategy of garnering endearment to someone the unions may now tell its members is a benevolent dictator.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Signatures Sought For Detroit Mayor Recall


Detroit Mayor Dave Bing is now subject to a recall effort. This recall effort is being led by a state representative who believes that Mayor Bing has left the city defenseless when it comes to the deployment of police officers and emergency responders. The Wayne County election board certified the language for the recall last month but it's just being made public now.  44,000 signatures are required to place the recall on the ballot in May and the projected costs an an estimated $500,000-$900,000.

Some would wonder why recall a guy who may not run for re-election in November 2013 anyway? him and The recall effort may actually serve two purposes: to stop Dave Bing from continuing upon his path, and secondly to send a message to whomever may run for Mayor that the residents of the city of Detroit will have a say in the governance of the City of Detroit.

A great many Detroiters believe that Mayor Bing is hell bent on giving away as much as he can before he leaves. There are those who believe that Gov. Rick Snyder is actually running the City of Detroit.  A common perception is that Dave Bing is so pro-business he is anti-neighborhood resident. It is believed that he has abandoned Detroit's neighborhoods in favor of the downtown area.

A great many people I have talked to directly feel that for Dave Bing, Detroit begins at the New Center area and travels down Woodward Avenue to the University District, past the medical and entertainment centers, into downtown through the sports district, passing Gilbertville and ending at Jefferson.

The only genuinely new development abutting a Detroit neighborhood is the Gateway Project on 8 Mile.   Other than that, Mr. Bing has not generated a major new project in his three years in office that is not in or near downtown Detroit.

What he has managed to do is to eliminate bus service, lay off thousands of Detroiters, eliminate human services, end city oversight of Head Start, deceive organized labor, and sign off on consent and milestone agreements that severely curtails his role as an elected official.

Trust is another issue for Bing.

Dave Bing is said to have lied when he promised he would not fire former Detroit police chief James Barnett and covering for staff affairs that would not be tolerated in the world he came from. He is also accused of lying when he said before he was elected that he would only take one dollar in compensation. He got caught being paid and using benefits five months after he began receiving them. Bing said he would not move into the Manoogian Mansion. He said, and I was there when he said it, that he would honor the $100 million negotiated concession package that his administration and the unions bargained over a two-month period late last year.

The likelihood of the recall supporters securing the required number of signatures is high. People are fanning out all over Detroit gathering signatures from residents who claim to have been harmed since his election.  The signatures must be turned in in February, 2013.   Stay tuned.